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West Chester Farm Fencing

Also known as agricultural fencing, farm fencing offers security for farmers and their livestock. Some farmers may also choose to use fencing as a way to protect their crops from different disturbing animal pests. On the other hand, some other farm owners might simply want to put up a fence to serve as a mark on their property or the territory of land where they could do their farming business.

With 25 years of background in the field of fencing in West Chester, GC Fence does not merely understand what the clients need in terms of creating fences around the farmland they own. The company also knows the rules that determine how proper fencing ought to be laid out according to the property laws of Pennsylvania.

Farm fencing requires the use of heavy-duty materials that can withstand the power of livestock to test the limits of the fence itself. Farm fences are primarily designed to protect the farm from intruders, as well as from livestock that might want to go over and beyond it.

GC Fence understands the high stakes that are involved in farm fencing. Hence, the company makes sure that before the clients make any decisions, they have an agreement on what is expected of the fences, and if their budget matches the materials, they would want to be used in establishing the fences.

Call GC Fence at (484) 544-4900 now to get a free consultation!

Different Types of Modern Farm Fencing

West Chester Farm Fencing wood rail livestock fence 300x164There are currently different types of modern farm fencing used by GC Fence, depending on the demand of every client. Depending on function and budget, GC Fence offers several types of modern farm fencing that fit the expectations of a client.

Wire fences

This type of fencing is usually used to protect crop farms and livestock farms that are composed of smaller livestock such as chicken, ducks, and others that are not strong enough to break through the limits provided by the wire fence.

Usually, wire fences are run on wooden posts. With a typical 2 to 5 feet height of steel posts, these fences function much better with the use of oak and juniper because of the durability of these wooden materials to withstand the changing weather and climate, thus reducing the cost of maintenance and future schedules of restructuring the fence.

Electric Fence

With the use of a light steel wire of at least 14 to 17 gauge, posts with insulators, as well as porcelain or plastic materials as part of the synthetic web of rope and steel wire that can be electrically charged. This fence is designed to give animals a harmless shock that is supposed to send the animals away or back into their territory by making them uncomfortable enough to respond accordingly to the shock.

Installing electric farm fences is very important, especially when it comes to controlling the voltage rate of electricity that shall be distributed across the whole fence’s setup once triggers are recognized.

Synthetic Fence

A synthetic fence, constructed on a variant of vinyl rail or strap fence, may or may not be electrically charged depending on what the client wants.

The installation of a synthetic vinyl fence often follows the same process of installing plain high-tensile fences, which highlights the need for the fence to be tightened. This is why part of the maintenance of a synthetic fence is to keep the whole setup regularly tightened.

Wood and Pipe Fence

Lower budget options often call for certain material considerations, and wood and pipe are often the most common alternative to other forms of farm fences. To keep the material from being exposed to external natural factors that could ruin the fence, lines are often used to discourage predators as well as keeping the whole set of enclosure more functional for a more extended period.

Maintaining Farm Fences

rail fenceThe state of Pennsylvania is noted for several farm zones. This is the reason why the experience of our fencers in putting up farm fences is trusted by many. Our work speaks specifically for the competence that we have in terms of putting up fences on farms.

GC Fence understands that Farm Fencing requires a lot of money and a lot of prolonged maintenance. This is why picking the right materials is necessary to keep the farm fences particularly functional. Most often than not, among the most problematic issues that arise when it comes to maintaining farm fences is the force of strong animals going through the barricades. This is why many clients often opt to use electrically charged fences instead of plain farm fences, especially when they have livestock to take care of.

May it be to protect the crops you have worked hard on or the livestock that you have invested so much time and effort on, your farm needs the protection it deserves to protect the profit that you are going to gain from it for a long time. The maintenance of farm fences is critical to the success of the farm’s produce- this is why GC Fence offers extensive support even after the fences have already been built and installed.

Get Advantage of our Free Consultation

West Chester Farm Fencing gcfence logo optWhen it comes to farm fencing, GC Fence takes the load seriously. Because of this, the management makes sure that every client can gain as much support as needed to decide whether or not to create a fence, what fence to create, and what materials ought to be used to set up the protection that your West Chester farm needs.

Meeting your budget and expectations is what GC Fence is dedicated to. This is why we are offering a free consultation for you to be able to talk with one of our agents. Not only will you be given a chance to make the right decision, but you would also be given a brief overview of what needs to be done as well as when it comes to maintaining the farm fence later on.

Call GC Fence at (484) 544-4900 now to get a free consultation!


